The new RapidVit Omni™ can be used to warm embryos previously vitrified in existing vitrification kits

A study presented at Fertility 2017 confirms that, independent from the developmental stage, embryos previously vitrified using stage-specific vitrification kits (RapidVit™ Cleave, RapidVit™ Blast) can be warmed successfully and have the same developmental potential when using the new universal kit (RapidVit™ Omni), for warming. Preclinical validation on human embryos confirmed these observations.


The aim of this study is to verify the compatibility of a new universal warming kit (RapidWarmTM Omni) designed to be utilized for all developmental stages with existing vitrification kits.


Mouse embryos at different developmental stages were vitrified using currently available kits designed for vitrification at specific developmental stages while for warming either the original stage-specific warming kit (control group) or a new universal warming kit (test group) were used (table 1).

Embryos were vitrified using Rapid-i at the 1-cell, 2-cell, morula or blastocyst stage. Three replicate tests including 30 embryos each were performed for each condition.


Results are presented in table 2 and 3. No significant differences were observed in any of the parameters measured. Survival rates and further embryo development at 47 h, 78 h and 96 h following fertilisation were assessed. Additionally, cell numbers of blastocysts were assessed.

Table 2: Survival, development and cell numbers after vitrification and warming with the original warming kit or RapidWarm Omni for 1-cell, 2-cell and morula stage embryos.
Table 3: Survival and re-expansion after vitrification and warming with the original warming kit or RapidWarm Omni of blastocyst stage embryos.


This study confirms that, independent from the developmental stage, embryos previously vitrified using stage-specific vitrification kits can be warmed successfully and have the same developmental potential when using this new universal kit for warming. Preclinical validation on human embryos confirmed these observations.


Glazar B1, Vang P1, Silversand C2 and Joris H3.
1.MEA lab Vitrolife, Inc., USA, 2.Research and 3. Medium Development Vitrolife Sweden AB, Sweden