Ultra RapidWarm™ Blast

Maintain stable results in a fraction of your time.

Description A single medium for ultra-fast warming of vitrified human blastocyst-stage embryos.

Application Ready to use after warming to 37 °C in ambient atmosphere. Works with all cleared vitrification solutions and devices.

Storage Store dark at +2 to +8°C. Media bottles can be used for up to 2 weeks after first opening. Use aseptic technique and minimise the time outside the refrigerator.

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4 x 5 mL
  • Purpose: For warming of vitrified human blastocyst stage embryos.

Disclaimer: Only for sale in US and Japan

Improve workflow without compromising clinical outcomes

While vitrification revolutionised embryo cryopreservation in IVF, it is still labour-intensive. Consequently, users have been seeking to streamline the workflow with a consistent, efficient procedure.

Ultra-fast warming of blastocysts

Recently, the golden standard of using a multi-step warming process has been challenged. Several publications have shown that blastocysts can be warmed in a much faster way, in just one warming step.

The studies demonstrate that single-step ultra-fast warming is comparable to multi-step standard warming in terms of survival, re-expansion, and clinical outcomes with the added benefit of saving time1, 2, 3.

In addition, studies present that blastocysts warmed in a low sucrose medium show a tendency for faster re-expansion4 and shorter time to hatching5.

New product innovation with an ultra-fast warming protocol

Ultra RapidWarmTM Blast is a single medium for warming of vitrified human blastocyst-stage embryos. The medium contains 0.25 M sucrose to remove membrane-permeable cryoprotectants and gradually rehydrate the cells.

Ultra RapidWarm Blast contains 20 ml of warming solution, delivered in 4 bottles of 5 ml. Each bottle can be used for 2 weeks after first opening, if using aseptic techniques and minimising the time outside the refrigerator.

Clinical evidence for ultra-fast blastocyst warming in low-sucrose media





Clinical results from a study by Lammers et al. ( 2024) is using Vitrolife warming media. A comparison of the ultra-fast warming protocol (0.25 M sucrose) with standard warming protocol. This study demonstrates that warming blastocysts with an ultrafast 1-step warming protocol results in comparable embryology and clinical outcomes compared with conventional 3-step warming protocol6.


Read the full study

A clinical analysis of retrospectively gathered data from a clinic in Belgium, comparing an ultra-fast warming protocol (January–July 2024) with the standard warming protocol (2023) by Landuyt et al. 2024. Blastocysts were vitrified using competitor media. Analysis shows that blastocyst survival rates, full re-expansion rates, and clinical pregnancy rates (based on fetal heartbeat) were similar between the ultra-fast and standard warming protocols in both patient groups.

Read summary

Webinar: 'Advancing blastocyst warming: The impact of Vitrolife’s ultra-fast protocol using low sucrose'

Discover the benefits of Vitrolife's ultra-fast warming protocol designed to save time and maintain consistent, high-quality results in the lab. This recorded webinar is ideal for clinical embryologists, reproductive specialists, and laboratory managers interested in innovative protocols to enhance efficiency and reliability in ART labs.

This live webinar was held in December 2024.

Watch webinar


A game-changing warming procedure

→ Save 8-11 minutes per blastocyst7,8,9
→ Maintain safety and efficacy10
→ More robust protocol with reduced handling risk
→ Better workflow in the lab, giving time back to the staff


How to warm blastocysts with Ultra RapidWarm Blast


Place at least 0.5 ml and up to 1 ml of warming solution into a dish and warm to 37 °C.


Leave the blastocyst in the solution for 2 minutes.


Wash the blastocyst several times with culture medium, or transfer medium such as EmbryoGlue®, then incubate until further use.



“The implementation of short rehydration during warming in our blastocyst cryopreservation program was easy to implement and is a game changer in many ways: Foremost it is a time saver; supporting an even more efficient workflow in our daily schedule.

On top of this, allowing blastocysts to reach their physiological intracellular milieu after fast warming allows them to regain their cellular functionality sooner, which is reflected in better outcomes such as higher ongoing pregnancy and, lower miscarriage rates11.”

- Juergen Liebermann, PhD, HCLD Director Laboratories Fertility Center of Illinois, USA

“As time-efficiency is a critical parameter in busy IVF labs, the recent onset of the ultrafast warming procedure was definitely a great opportunity that we decided to explore immediately.

This was obviously extremely simple to implement, and it rapidly confirmed its expected capacity to reduce time and to ensure smooth workflow, while providing perfectly stable and maintained clinical outcomes, as confirmed by more than 2 500 warmed blastocysts”.

- Professor Thomas Freour Head of Infertility Department & ART Centre University Hospital of Nantes, France

High lot-to-lot consistency ensures high performance

Vitrolife’s Mouse Embryo Assay (MEA) go beyond regulatory demands, using multiple endpoint assessments, including blastocyst cell number, with narrow acceptance levels to ensure high performance and the best results for the customers.

Vitrolife has unique competence in testing, which is performed in-house to maintain full control with traceability of each released product.

Learn more about quality


1. Manns et al. Validation of a New Ultra-Fast Blastocyst Warming Technique Reduces Warming Times to 1 minute and Yields Similar Survival and Re Expansion Compared to Blastocysts Warmed Using a Standard Method. ASRM 2021.
2. Manns et al. Clinical validation of a new, ultrafast warming protocol, resulting in equivalent implantation rates and significant time savings versus routine warming protocol, a prospective randomized control. ASRM 2022.
3. Taylor et al. Ultrafast warming protocol demonstrates similar outcomes and significantly decreases embryology workload compared to standard warming protocols, a randomized control trial with euploid blastocysts. ASRM 2022.
4. Gunst & Ahlström, Multicenter preclinical validation of warming procedures for human blastocysts involving a short exposure to a single sucrose solution shows promising survival, re-expansion and continued development, BSRM 2022.
5. Liebermann et al. Rapid warming of human blastocysts: Is 1M sucrose the only choice? 65th AAB Conference 2023.
6. Lammers et al. Ultra-fast warming procedure of vitrified blastocysts results in maintained embryology and clinical outcomes, Reproductive Science (2024), manuscript accepted for publication.
7. Package insert RapidWarm Blast REF 26086, www.vitrolife.com.
8. Package Insert Brand A.
9. Package Insert Brand B.
10. Freour et al. Quick as lightning, a French 12-month experience of ultrafast blastocyst warming on more than 1 000 single frozen-thawed blastocysts cycles, ASRM 2024.
11. Liebermann et al. Fast and furious: pregnancy outcome with one-step rehydration in the warming protocol for human blastocysts, Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2023), volume 48, Issue 4, 10373, April 2024.

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Ultra RapidWarm™ Blast



SSCP Ultra RapidWarm Blast

Document and Ref: REP-6458. Version 4.0. 2025/01/24

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