ThawKit™ Cleave

Description MOPS buffered media.

Application For use in sequence after equilibration at room temperature and ambient atmosphere.

Storage Store dark at +2 to +8°C.

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ThawKit™ Cleave

3 x 10 mL
  • Purpose: For thawing of frozen pronuclear oocytes and cleavage stage embryos.

Disclaimer: Not for sale in US

ThawKit™ Cleave

3 x 10 mL
  • Purpose: For thawing of frozen pronuclear (2PN) and cleavage-stage embryos.

Disclaimer: Only for sale in US

Thawing Oocytes and Embryos

ThawKit Cleave* have been developed for thawing of pronuclear oocytes and cleavage stage embryos.

*US only: For thawing of pronuclear (2PN) and cleavage stage embryos.

Content in kit FreezeKit Cleave: 1x10 mL - Equilibration solution, 2x10 mL - Freezing solution. ThawKit Cleave: 1x10 mL - Thawing solution 1, 1x10 mL - Thawing solution 2, 1x10 mL - Equilibration solution

Support Documents

Documents Language

Safety data sheets (SDS)
ThawKit™ Cleave

Safety data sheets (SDS)


SDS ThawKit Cleave

Document and Ref: Date Revised : 06/27/2023. Revision No : 3. Safety data sheet for ThawKit Cleave

Package inserts
ThawKit™ Cleave

Package inserts


Package insert ThawKit Cleave - Multi-language

Document and Ref: REF 26254, version 07

Package inserts
ThawKit™ Cleave

Package inserts


Package insert ThawKit Cleave US

Document and Ref: REF 26894, version 01

Short protocols
ThawKit™ Cleave

Short protocols


Slow freeze cryopreservation - Cleavage stage embryos

Document and Ref: This short protocol describes how to slow-freeze zygotes and cleavage stage embryos using FreezeKit™ & ThawKit™ Cleave.

Scientific summaries
ThawKit™ Cleave

Scientific summaries


New formulations of slowfreezing solutions for cleavage stage embryos result in outcomes similar to after vitrification

Document and Ref: A study by Fang et al, found that FreezeKit Cleave and ThawKit Cleave significantly improved survival rates, clinical pregnancy rates and implantation rates. In fact, a survival rate of above 90% using the new formulations of solutions is very similar to that obtained after vitrification.

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