SpermFreeze Solution™
Maintains DNA integrity and is free from egg yolk. Contains only chemically defined components.
Description Bicarbonate and MOPS buffered medium containing human serum albumin.
Purpose Media for cryopreservation of human sperm.
Application For use after equilibration at +20°C ± 5°C and ambient atmosphere.
Storage Store dark at +2 to +8°C.
Developed to maximise sperm survival
SpermFreeze Solution is developed to maximise sperm survival and maintain DNA integrity and function after cryopreservation.
SpermFreeze Solution is egg yolk-free and contains only chemically defined components, including glycerol as a cryoprotective agent. The product also contains cholesterol, which has been found to affect the development of acrosomal responsiveness and fertilising ability in vitro1. The product is ready-to-use.
Sperm function maintained after cryopreservation
To ensure sperm function after cryopreservation, clinical data was obtained from 48 patients, including ICSI cases and patients receiving conventional IVF treatment1. The study was performed on sibling oocytes and fresh semen was used as a control.
The clinical data showed that sperm function was maintained after cryopreservation. There was no statistical difference between the performance of cryopreserved semen compared to fresh semen, see figure to the right.

SpermFreeze Solution maintains DNA integrity
Several studies show a negative correlation between defective sperm chromatin structure and fertility, both in vivo1 and in vitro2 . To ascertain that SpermFreeze Solution maintains DNA integrity, semen samples from 22 patients were tested in a sperm chromatin structure assay after cryopreservation using SpermFreeze Solution.
The study confirmed that cryopreservation using Vitrolife's SpermFreeze Solution maintained DNA integrity3.
Support Documents
Documents Language

Package inserts
Package insert SpermFreeze Solution
Document and Ref: REF 21115, version 06

Short protocols
Sperm freezing when using cryovials
Document and Ref: REF 19023. Version 01. Date of issue 221201. This short protocol describes freezing of semen when using vials followed by gradient separation using and G-Series™ medium G-IVF™ PLUS and SpermGrad™.

Short protocols
Sperm freezing when using straws
Document and Ref: REF 19022. Version 01. Date of issue 221201. This short protocol describes freezing of semen when using straws followed by gradient separation using G-Series™ medium G-IVF™ PLUS and SpermGrad™.

Scientific summaries
SpermFreeze Solution™ studies show equal performance compared to egg yolk containing medium
Document and Ref: A study by Tekcan M, et al, shows that SpermFreeze Solution™ without egg yolk performs just as well as a yolk containing medium and is free from undefined substances.

Safety data sheets (SDS)
SDS SpermFreeze Solution
Document and Ref: Date Revised : 06/27/2023. Revision No : 3. Safety data sheet for SpermFreeze Solution
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