G-1™ PLUS provides the carbohydrates, amino acids and hyaluronan needed to support the embryo during the first critical stages of development.

Description G-1™ PLUS is a bicarbonate buffered media containing hyaluronan. It also contains human serum albumin.

Purpose Medium for culture of embryos from the pronucleate stage to day 2 or day 3.

Storage Store dark at +2 to +8°C

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1 x 30 mL
  • Description: Bicarbonate buffered medium containing hyaluronan and human serum albumin.
  • Application: For use after equilibration at +37°C and 6 % CO2.

Important nutrients supports the embryo

G-1 PLUS is a media for culture of human embryos from after fertilisation until the 8-cell stage. G-1 PLUS is supplemented with human serum albumin, HSA, and is ready to use. It contains amino acids to support embryo viability and hyaluronan to improve development and cryosurvivability and to facilitate implantation. It also contain lipoic acid as antioxidant to protect the embryo against reactive oxygen species during culture in vitro.


G-Series - confidence at each step

Each product in the G-Series™ is developed to resemble conditions in the female reproductive tract and fulfil embryo requirements.


Support Documents

Documents Language

Package inserts

Package inserts


Package insert G1 PLUS - Multi-language

Document and Ref: REF 26080, version 08

Safety data sheets (SDS)

Safety data sheets (SDS)



Document and Ref: Date Revised : 06/27/2023. Revision No : 5. Safety data sheet for G-1 PLUS

Scientific summaries

Scientific summaries


Optimised clinical outcomes with blastocyst culture and cryopreservation using Vitrolife G-Series culture media

Document and Ref: A study by Zhu et al demonstrate that extended culture before cryopreservation allows for selection of viable embryos with a high chance of implantation after warming. The high blastocyst formation rate (73.8%) using Vitrolife culture media, together with an efficient cryopreservation program resulting in survival rates of >96% should eliminate any earlier concerns about blastocyst culture and cryopreservation.

Scientific summaries

Scientific summaries


Embryo culture in G-Series results in significantly higher cell numbers and implantation rates compared to culture in HTF

Document and Ref: A study by Kleijkers show that besides cell numbers and implantations rates, gene expression and certain pathways in preimplantation embryos are also affected by culture medium.

Scientific summaries

Scientific summaries


G-Series culture media improve blastocyst development

Document and Ref: Data from two studies presented at Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Clinical Embryologist show that good quality embryo rate and blastocyst development can be improved when using G-Series culture media (G-IVF, G-1 and G-2) from Vitrolife compared to a HTF-based non-hyaluronan containing media.

Scientific summaries

Scientific summaries


G-Series culture media shown to increase blastocyst development compared to control

Document and Ref: In a study by Matsuoka et al, embryo culture was done either Vitrolife’s G-Series™ culture media or a mix of sequential culture media (control). The results show that good-quality blastocyst development was more frequent after culture in G-Series media containing hyaluronan.

Short protocols

Short protocols


G-Series™ ICSI procedure

Document and Ref: REF 19122. Version 02. Date of issue 220923. This short protocol describes how to perform ICSI using ICSI™, HYASE™-10x, OVOIL™ and G-Series medium G-MOPS™ PLUS .

Short protocols

Short protocols


G-Series™ Embryo culture G-1 PLUS and G-2 PLUS

Document and Ref: REF 19183. Version 07. Date of issue 220923. This short protocol describes how to culture embryos from after fertilisation until the blastocyst stage using the G-Series™ sequential media G-1™ PLUS, G-2™ PLUS and OVOIL™.

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