Embryo decision support tools
Decision support tools scoring embryos according to their statistical viability by applying a number of criteria to the embryos.
Purpose Decision support tools to rank embryos according to their likelihood of implantation.
- Description: Fully automated AI-based decision support tool for day 5 culture.
- Purpose: AI Algorithm with automatic scoring of embryos, to improve workflow.
Disclaimer: Not for sale in US
- Description: Optional AI-based tool to streamline annotation process.
- Description: Embryo decision support tool software for Day 3 selection. KIDScore is a trademark of Vitrolife Group.
- Description: Upgrade for existing KIDScore D3. KIDScore is a trademark of Vitrolife Group.
Disclaimer: Not for sale in US
- Description: Embryo decision support tool software for Day 3 and Day 5 full package. KIDScore is a trademark of Vitrolife Group.
Disclaimer: Not for sale in US
- Description: EmbryoViewer Thin Client with Monitor, keyboard and accessories version 7.X.
- Description: EmbryoViewer Software version 7.X.
- Description: ES Server Software version 7.X.
Advanced embryo evaluation interface
Data from multiple incubators is centralised on a server and accessed via EmbryoViewer workstations. Advanced embryo analysis software tools allow direct comparison of all of a patient’s embryos, both fresh and frozen, in a single interface.
EmbryoViewer Workstation
Intuitive interface to annotate, review movies and compare development of patient embryos. Full documentation of incubator running conditions are automatically stored with the patient data and can be observed on the EmbryoViewer workstation for quality assurance. It is easy to generate reports and create customised exports.
VTH Server
Our powerful server has been specially designed to support direct integration of our AI-based evaluation solutions. Centralised data provides a better opportunity for analysis of treatments and outcomes.
VTH server & VTH server+ replace current ES server and ES server+.
Embryo analysis software tools
iDAScore makes use of deep learning to provide fully automated analyses of developing embryos. Now you can get an objective ranking based on the likelihood of implantation of each of a patient´s embryos at once - at the touch of a button. The future of embryo evaluation begins here.
Artificial intelligence in the treatment of infertility
The advent of time-lapse technology in IVF has provided a platform that supports improved embryo culture and evaluation, as well as increasing knowledge about embryo development. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) methods for image analysis allow us to take embryo evaluation to the next level.
The RCT study* published in Nature Medicine, demonstrates that iDAScore is 10x faster than standard manual assessment and provides similar clinical outcomes.
Learn the latest updateImproved evaluation
Traditional embryo evaluation methods are prone to subjectivity and external factors. Experience level, time constraints and lab staffing may all affect evaluation of embryos. It has been shown that an embryologist may score the same blastocyst differently on separate occasions1,2. iDAScore® objectively “compares” a given embryo with other embryos that have similar development patterns, and generates a score correlating with the likelihood of implantation.
AI scoring is not affected by
Fully automated analysis
iDAScore is an AI-based scoring system that provides fully automated analysis of time-lapse sequences. Now you can get an objective ranking based on the likelihood of achieving a fetal heartbeat on days 2, 3 or blastocyst stage of each of a patient’s embryos at once – with just a touch of a button.
Improving the evaluation process
iDAScore provides a reliable ranking of all embryos, allowing you to use your time more efficiently in hands-on procedures.
Consistent approach to embryo evaluation. Day to day differences in staffing, or introduction of new embryologists will not affect the way embryos are scored.
Objectively analyses the full embryo development sequence, without inherent human bias.
Fully automated
Analyses time-lapse sequences continuously, without the need for manual processing of data or videos.
Provides a reliable ranking of a patient’s cohort of embryos. Embryos can be evaluated adjunctively with EmbryoViewer software or other well established scoring schemes.
Building on the power of AI
The iDAScore algorithm was developed by our own AI team and trained on full time-lapse sequences of now more than 180,000 time-lapse sequences of embryos with known clinical fate.
Diverse data to minimise bias
Data diversity and size can reduce bias in AI-based embryo selection by providing the model with a more representative sample of the population it will be used on. Diversity in the dataset means that the model is exposed to a wide variety of input patterns, which allows it to learn from a broad range of examples such as patient profile and clinical protocols. This can help to prevent the model from becoming overly specialised to a specific subset of the population, wich can lead to bias.
The iDAScore input is comprised of a wide variety of data that have been collected across three continents.The data represents a wide variety of patient profile and clinical practices including oocyte origin, IVF and ICSI, clinical protocols, and patients’ age. It includes data from both fresh and frozen embryos with known outcome.
Performance of iDAScore
iDAScore has been validated to correlate with clinical outcomes including implantation and live birth.
Live birth rate increases by iDAScore group in all age groups3
Live Birth stratified by age of 3010 Single Vitrified Blastocyst transfers
OR Live Birth 1.811 95% C.I. 1.666-1.976 p<0.05.
Multivariate adjusted OR 1.535 95%CI 1.358-1.736, p<0.05. P <0.05. for all age groups. OR = 1,811 (1.666-1.976).
aOR = 1.535 (1.358–1.736). n= # transfers in each age group.
The higher the iDAScore the higher the likelihood of implantation4
Implantation rate
OR Oocyte donor 1.61 1.19-2.19 p<0.001
OR autologoous 1.52 1.22-1.90 p<0.001
Our findings confirm that embryo evaluation can be performed automatically allowing embryologists to utilise their time more efficiently in other tasks of the IVF process that are more complex and require high precision and attention.
Optimisation of workflows
The software is intuitive and simple to use, and images and videos don’t need to be converted manually.
Access from your EmbryoViewer workstation
iDAScore is an optional module which can be accessed from an updated interface on the EmbryoViewer workstation. Full documentation of incubator running conditions are automatically stored with the patient data and can be observed.
EmbryoViewer facilitates better opportunities for communication, consultation and education.
Scores for the entire cohort
A score (from 1 to 9.9) is automatically generated for each embryo in any individual patient’s cohort. iDAScore works for embryos starting from time of culture until blastocyst stage. A higher score indicates a greater chance of achieving a fetal heartbeat. Low priority embryos, including those with abnormal PN status, are automatically identified.
The improved iDAScore scoring for high scores allows better separation of high and low scores.
Ideal for prioritsation for further evaluation in your clinical practice
iDAScore® - the future of AI-based embryo evaluation
Are you interested in learning more about how artificial intelligence can be used in IVF? Read this blog post by Dr. Tine Qvistgaard Kajhøj where she takes you through the evolution of Vitrolife’s AI-based tools for IVF.
Read blog postReferences
1. Bormann et. al (2020), Fertil Steril 113(4): 781-787.e1.
2. Storr et. al (2017), Hum Reprod 32(2): 307-314.
3. Ueno et al. (2022), JARG (39) 2089-2099.
4. Bori et al. (2022), Human Reproduction 37(Suppl.1).
5. Casciani et al. (2022), Human Reproduction 37(Suppl. 1).
6. Ezoe et al. (2022), Reprod Biomed Online 45(6):1124-1132.
7. Berntsen et al. (2022), PLoS ONE 17(2): e0262661.
Guided annotation
An optional tool in the EmbryoViewer software that is designed to provide a simplified annotation workflow.
Advanced software
With EmbryoViewer software, you can review, annotate and compare development of selected embryos from data acquired by the EmbryoScope+, EmbryoScope 8 and EmbryoScope Flex. The same EmbryoViewer software can be used for the three types of incubators. The incubators’ running conditions are automatically stored with the patient data and can be observed on the EmbryoViewer software for quality assurance.
Ensure consistent evaluation of embryos with Guided Annotation
With the extensive amount of image information acquired by the EmbryoScope time-lapse system, every stage of development of each embryo can be observed.Guided Annotation ensures that you collect exactly the amount and type of embryo development information that is necessary for you to evaluate which embryos are most suitable for transfer and/or freezing.
By implementing intelligent software tools and artificial intelligence, Guided Annotation makes embryo annotation fast, efficient and precise and allows you to have complete control of the level of automatisation. A confidence estimate allows you to automate annotations that have a high confidence level and prioritise validation of annotations with low confidence.
Intuitive annotation tools
With EmbryoViewer software, you can annotate cell division events, providing an easy overview of observations in developmental stages.
Improved basis for embryo selection
Use Guided Annotation in the EmbryoViewer software to efficiently get the parameters you need for embryo evaluation. Designed to provide a simplified annotation workflow.
KIDScore for efficient evaluation support
KIDScore™ decision support tools* assigns an objective score to each embryo. The scores reflect implantation potential and provide consistent and effective support for embryo evaluation. With Guided Annotation and KIDScore decision support tools you can customise to fit the workflow you like with the level of automatisation you prefer.
*KIDScore D5 has not received 510(k) clearance
KIDScore D3 & D5 makes a safe first model using avoidance critera rather than selection criteria - you can design and implement your own models.
Guided Annotation and KIDScore
Guided Annotation in synergy with KIDScore optimally supports your consistent embryo evaluation process.
Benefits of KIDScore
• Improves the decision-making process
• Enhances consistency
• Helps you obtain better results
KIDScore for transfer on Day 3 or Day 5
The KIDScore decision support tool is developed by analysing the world’s largest database of embryo development with known clinical outcome. The models are developed by analysing how embryo morphokinetics, cleavage patterns and morphology correlates with implantation outcome after transfer.
Principles of KIDScore D3
Benefits of KIDScore decision support tools
• Improved consistency of evaluation and lower interobserver variability5
• Uses ‘easy-to-annotate’ variables
• Based on Known Implantation Data (KID) from the day of transfer (Fetal heartbeat)
• A powerful tool when you have more embryos available than planned for transfer
KIDScore D3
When to use it
• When deciding between embryos that reach expected stage on day 3
• When D3 SET is preferred
How does it work?
KIDScore D3 assigns a morphokinetic score from 1-5 to your annotated embryos. The score from 1-5 is a relative measure of the implantation potential of the embryo. The following variables need to be annotated in accordance with specific guidelines: PN assessment, PN fading, time (t) to 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 cells.
KIDScore D3 & implantation data
The chart represents unselected embryos, embryos chosen for transfer, implanted embryos and embryos resulting in a live birth from cycles where known outcome data is available. The distribution of embryos across score groups is shown. This indicates that there is excellent concordance between the model and embryos with high implantation potential.
KIDScore D5
When to use it?
• When more good quality blastocysts are available than are planned for transfer
• When deciding which embryos are suitable for biopsy or diagnosis
How does it work?
KIDScore D5* considers the morphology and the morphokinetic traits of an embryo. For each embryo the model calculates a continuous score from 1-9.9. The score reflects the statistical chance of implantation based on development information from the five-day culture period. The higher the score, the greater the statistical chance of implantation. Only a few annotations are required to obtain a score, which further improves the worfklow.
KIDScore D5 & implantation data
KIDScore D5 scores show an increased relative implantation with higher scores. The model is based on a large database of KID blastocysts originating from a wide range of IVF clinics.
*KIDScore D5 can only be used when culturing under reduced oxygen conditions
How can you benefit from time-lapse in IVF?
Dr. Markus Montag has written a white paper where he discusses the clinically proven results with time-lapse, as well as how time-lapse can improve the workflow in the lab and facilitate communication.
Watch our recorded Vitrolife webinars
Vitrolife Academy provides a wide range of webinars within the field of IVF. Our webinars are recorded and you can find them here, to watch at your convenience.
Explore webinarsIncrease your knowledge with our educational material
Do you need support in how to use our products? Whether it's learning a new skill, gaining knowledge, or advancing your career, educational material is essential for achieving your goals.
Explore educational materialA complete solution with the world’s leading time-lapse systems
Vitrolife has everything your clinic needs to maximise time-lapse culture and evaluation. Whether you want to implement and enjoy the benefits of an integrated time-lapse system for 8, 15 or 24 patients or complement your current set-up with more time-lapse incubation capacity.
1. Ergin, E.G. et al., (2014), Fertil Steril 102(4): 1029-1033 e1.
2. Data on file.
3. Rubio, I. et al., (2012), Fertil Steril 98(6): 1458-63.
4. Zhan, Q. et al., (2016) PLoS One 11(12): e0166398.
5. Sundvall, et al., (2013), Hum Reprod 28(12): 3215-21.
Support Documents
Documents Language
Product manuals
Vitrolife Security and Privacy Guide
Document and Ref: Revision 2024_02, International, English
Product manuals
Vitrolife Security and Privacy Guide
Document and Ref: Revision 2024_02, International, French
Product manuals
Vitrolife Security and Privacy Guide
Document and Ref: Revision 2024_02, International, Japanese
Scientific summaries
iDAScore Science publications and selected abstracts
Document and Ref: REF19196 v05 20241004
Product manuals
iDAScore (1) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, Revision 2024_02, International, English
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, English
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, English
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, English
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, English
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, English
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Detailed Guidelines
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, English
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, English
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, English
Product manuals
CohortView User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, Revision 2024_09, International, English
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, North America, English (US)
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, North America, English (US)
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, North America, English (US)
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, North America, English (US)
Product manuals
Vitrolife Security and Privacy Guide
Document and Ref: Revision 2024_02, International, Simplified Chinese
Product manuals
iDAScore (1) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, Revision 2024_02, International, Traditional Chinese
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Chinese (Simplified)
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Traditional Chinese
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Simplified Chinese
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Traditional Chinese
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Simplified Chinese
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Traditional Chinese
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Simplified Chinese
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Traditional Chinese
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Simplified Chinese
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Traditional Chinese
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Simplified Chinese
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Traditional Chinese
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, Simplified Chinese
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Traditional Chinese
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, Simplified Chinese
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Czech.
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Czech
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Czech
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Czech
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Czech
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Czech
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Czech
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Czech
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Danish.
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Danish
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Danish
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Danish
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Danish
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Danish
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Danish
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Danish
Product manuals
CohortView User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, Revision 2024_09, International, Danish
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Estonian.
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Estonian
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Estonian
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Estonian
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Estonian
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Estonian
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Estonian
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Estonian
Product manuals
iDAScore (1) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, Revision 2024_02, International, French
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, French
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, French
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, French
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, French
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, French
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, French
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, French
Product manuals
iDAScore (1) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, Revision 2024_02, International, German
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, German
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, German
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, German
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, German
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, German
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, German
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, German
Product manuals
CohortView User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, Revision 2024_09, International, German
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Greek.
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Greek
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Greek
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Greek
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Greek
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Greek
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Greek
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Greek
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Hungarian
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Hungarian
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Hungarian
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Hungarian
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Hungarian
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Hungarian
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Hungarian
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Hungarian
Product manuals
iDAScore (1) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, Revision 2024_02, International, Italian
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Italian
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Italian
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Italian
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Italian
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Italian
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Italian
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Italian
Product manuals
CohortView User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, Revision 2024_09, International, Italian
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Japanese
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Japanese
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Japanese
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Japanese
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Japanese
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Japanese
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Japanese
Product manuals
CohortView User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, Revision 2024_09, International, Japanese
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Latvian
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Latvian
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Latvian
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Latvian
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Latvian
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Latvian
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Latvian
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Latvian
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Norwegian
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Norwegian
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Norwegian
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Norwegian
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Norwegian
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Norwegian
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Norwegian
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Norwegian
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/International/Portuguese (Brazil)
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Portuguese (Portugal)
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Portuguese (Brazil)
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Portuguese (Brazil)
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Portuguese (Portugal)
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Portuguese (Brazil)
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Portuguese (Portugal)
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Portuguese (Brazil)
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Portuguese (Portugal)
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Portuguese (Brazil)
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Portuguese (Portugal)
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Portuguese (Brazil)
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Portuguese (Portugal)
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Portuguese (Brazil)
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Portuguese (Portugal)
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Russian
Product manuals
iDAScore (2.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, revised 2022.12.12/Russian
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, first issue 2022.10.03/Russian
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, revised 2022.10.03/Russian
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3.0, revised 2022.10.03/Russian
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4.0, revised 2022.10.03/Russian
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, first issue 2022.10.03/Russian
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, first issue 2022.11.04/Russian
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Serbian
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Serbian
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Serbian
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Serbian
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Serbian
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Serbian
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Spanish.
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Spanish
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Spanish
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Spanish
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Spanish
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Spanish
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Spanish
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Spanish
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Swedish
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Swedish
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Swedish
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Swedish
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Swedish
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Swedish
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Swedish
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Swedish
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Turkish
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Turkish
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Turkish
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Turkish
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Turkish
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Turkish
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Turkish
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Turkish
Product manuals
iDAScore (1.0) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 1, revised 2021.03.22/Vietnamese
Product manuals
iDAScore (2) User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_09, International, Vietnamese
Product manuals
EmbryoViewer User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_09, International, Vietnamese
Product manuals
KIDScore D3 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 2, Revision 2024_02, International, Vietnamese
Product manuals
KIDScore D5 Appendix
Document and Ref: Version 3, Revision 2024_02, International, Vietnamese
Product manuals
KIDScore Decision Support Tool User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 4, Revision 2024_09, International, Vietnamese
Product manuals
Guided Annotation Quick Guide
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Vietnamese
Product manuals
ES Server User Manual
Document and Ref: Version 7.9, Revision 2024_02, International, Vietnamese
Technote KIDScore D3 decision support tool
Document and Ref: Technote This technote describes the KIDScore D3 Basic, which is a model based on the morphokinetic traits associated with the implantation potential of embryos transferred on day 3. The model is designed to help clincs avoid transferring embryos with low implantation potential.
Technote Guidelines for blastocyst morphology grading with time-lapse
Document and Ref: This technote describes the grading of blastocyst morphology with the use of time-lapse technology. This facalitates a more thorough evaluation because the complete course of development can be considered. A comprehensive impression of the blastocyst can be used as the basis for grading morphology, which should be utilised when grading ICM and TE and is neccessary when using KIDScore D5.
Technote - Consistent annotation for better evaluation - a guide on definitions for morphokitetics
Document and Ref: This technote describes the definitions of variables most commonly used in embryo assessment with time-lapse. These definitions will help you attain consistent annotations and thereby objective evaluations in your clinic and further streamline the understanding of embryo developmental events within the clinic and beyond the clinic.
KIDScore D5 decision support tool
Document and Ref: KIDScore D5 decision support tool, Vitrolife, v3 INT, December 2021. This technote describes the KIDScore D5, which is a model based on morphology and morphokinetic traits associated with the implantation potential of embryos transferred on day 5. The model is designed to help clincs avoid transferring embryos with low implantation potential.
Guidelines for getting started with models in Compare & Select
Document and Ref: Technote Guidelines for getting started with models in Compare & Select, Vitrolife, v6 INT, March 2015. This technote gives you simple starting tips to make the most of your data when using morphokinetics to build a model customised for your clinic.
Guided Annotation - setting up the tool
Document and Ref: Guided Annotation 2.0: setting up, Vitrolife, v5, July 2021. This technote describes how the Guided Annotation tool is set up in a completely customidable way to support the needs and strategies of your clinical workflow. This tool is designed to support the busy workdays in the laboratory and guides you from variable to the next in an annotation strategy and by automatically forwarding the embryo images to estimated timings of events. Guided Annotation in synergy with KIDScore models optimally supports your consistent embryo assessment process.
Guided Annotation - daily workflow
Document and Ref: Guided Annotation v2.0: daily workflow, Vitrolife, v5, July 2021. This technote is about the Guided Annotation tool, which is designed to support the busy workdays in the laboratory. The tool guides you from variable to the next in an annotation strategy and by automatically forwarding the embryo images to estimated timings of events. Guided Annotation in synergy with KIDScore models optimally supports your consistent embryo assessment process.
Tracking individual outcome in EmbryoViewer software
Document and Ref: Technote Tracking individual outcome in EmbryoViewer software, Vitrolife, v2, November 2019. This technote gives an overview of how to track individual transfer outcome in the EmbryoViewer software.
Effect and prevalence of embryo developmental traits
Document and Ref: Effect and prevalence of embryo developmental traits, Vitrolife, v1 INT, June 2016. This technote contains a summary of the prevalence and effect of developmental traits which can only be observed with time-lapse.
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