Promote implantation and increase pregnancy rates
Hylauronan promotes implantation
From retrieval to transfer, you can help the egg and embryo develop by providing optimal culture conditions. After transfer, the embryo has to rely on mother’s receptivity and its own ability to implant. Using a hyaluronan-rich medium will promote a successful implantation.
Possible mechanisms for the implantation-
promoting effect of hyaluronan
Improved adhesion
Hyaluronan is known to increase cell adhesion, and thus it can support the initial attachment of the blastocyst to the endometrium10.
Rapid mixing with uterine secretions
Hyaluronan facilitates the rapid diffusion of the contents of the transfer medium into the viscous secretion of the uterus. An aqueous medium containing an appropriate concentration of hyaluronan produces a medium with a far higher viscosity in comparison to a solution only containing proteins. EmbryoGlue has the highest viscosity compared to other common transfer media11,12.
Receptor cross-linking
The hyaluronan surface-adhesion receptor CD44 is present throughout development from the oocyte to the blastocyst stage12. The CD44 receptor is also expressed on human endometrial cells at the time of implantation13,14. Another type of hyaluronan receptor, RHAMM/IHABP, is also expressed on the embryo surface at the implantation stage, suggesting a possible receptor-mediated process where hyaluronan cross-links the receptors on the embryo and endometrial cells15.

How to optimise transfer
A meta-analysis from 2022 on transfer interventions showed that three methods stand out with positive outcomes in terms of clinical pregnancy rate and with significant clinical evidence for their effectiveness2.
- Hyaluronic acid-enriched media (EmbryoGlue)
- Ultrasound guidance
- Soft transfer catheter
Successful embryo transfer
Embryo transfer is one of the most sensitive and critical procedures in IVF treatment. EmbryoGlue®, a hyaluronan-rich transfer medium, is designed to promote embryo implantation. Few interventions in embryo transfer have improved the success rate as significantly as EmbryoGlue according to the clinical evidence2. EmbryoGlue has been shown to promote successful implantation and increase the pregnancy and live birth rate without increasing the risk of adverse events1.

Developed exclusively for embryo transfer
EmbryoGlue is the only existing product with a proven implantation-enhancing effect1. EmbryoGlue has the basic composition of a rich blastocyst culture medium and contains a high concentration of hyaluronan and recombinant human albumin. It can be used for transfer of all embryo developmental stages, including blastocysts after assisted hatching, biopsy and cryopreservation.
1. Heymann et al. (2020) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 9.
The inclusion of hyaluronan is not only associated with increased embryo development and viability, and there is also a distinct benefit of having hyaluronan in the transfer medium. From every perspective, the inclusion of hyaluronan in both culture and transfer media makes physiological sense, and the data clearly support multiple benefits to the embryo.
Professor David Gardner, Distinguished Professor, School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne and Scientific Director, Melbourne IVF and the inventor of EmbryoGlue

Webinar: 'Optimising transfer outcome with the use of EmbryoGlue'
In this webinar, Prof. David K Gardner guides you through the role of hyaluronan in biology and the benefits of using EmbryoGlue in preimplantation embryo culture and transfer.
This live webinar was held in June 2019.
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